Student Affairs

Citizenship for 足彩平台

A Guide for Citizenship in the 足彩平台 Community Page

"We acknowledge that we are all here by choice, and as part of that choice we agree to commit ourselves to the principles that are an integral part of the goals and mission of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater."

PREAMBLE: The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater faculty, staff, and students acknowledge that this institution's highest priority is an ongoing commitment to continuous enhancement of each others' intellectual and personal development. This includes dedication to open and honest exchanges of ideas; immersion in the learning experience every day; acceptance of the highest standards of personal integrity; and openness to new opportunities that will expand individual horizons.

As citizens within this community, we expect to work toward our intellectual and personal goals in a fashion which adds to the campus-wide pursuit of excellence and fosters our ability to view life as an ongoing process of education. We will collaborate to create a respectful atmosphere where the organized, thoughtful and honest pursuit of knowledge can thrive.


All members of the university community have the responsibility to demonstrate basic respect for all individuals. We communicate this respect in all aspects of behavior, including our expressed ideas, our association with others in social groups and organizations, and our interactions with others in the classroom environment. A fundamental objective of the university is increased contact with and understanding of individuals who are different from ourselves, and exposure to ideas which challenge our preconceptions.

Members of the 足彩平台 community have a responsibility to promote and a right to expect:

  • The widest possible range of free inquiry, expression and exchange of ideas;
  • A curriculum that provides increased appreciation of and respect for a diverse world of ideas and experiences;
  • Consistent implementation of federal, state, and university protections in pursuit of an environment that is free of discriminatory behavior and harassment.


As members of the university community we are subject to the highest standards of personal integrity. Personal integrity is reflected by our respect for the dignity and privacy of others and our adherence to standards of intellectual integrity.

Members of the 足彩平台 community have a responsibility to promote and a right to expect:

  • That all members will perform to the utmost of their abilities in an honest and sincere manner. Cheating, plagiarism, and the use of unauthorized materials is dishonest and a violation of our community's trust. The misrepresentation of our work in any manner threatens the spirit of community and cannot be tolerated. In giving credit for others' contributions and taking credit for our own when appropriate, we can celebrate each others' ideas.
  • That the privacy of personal records will be maintained in accordance with legal statutes and our ethical responsibilities.
  • That all members have access to a fair and timely hearing, and a resolution of grievances and complaints.


Members of the 足彩平台 community have a shared responsibility to sustain and develop the quality of the educational environment in all areas of campus life.

In curricular matters, members of the 足彩平台 community have a responsibility to promote and a right to expect:

  • A coherent educational experience providing a strong liberal arts curriculum integrated with professional preparation. Our goal is to develop the skills needed for further study and continued personal, intellectual and professional development.
  • Course offerings consistent with timely completion of degree objectives.
  • Intellectually challenging course content and an active interchange between students and faculty/staff which creates an environment for engagement in the learning experience.

A positive educational environment is created when faculty and staff:

  • Are knowledgeable and up-to-date about the subject under study;
  • Use effective teaching approaches to engage students in active learning;
  • Hold students to high clearly articulate guidelines for performance;
  • Create opportunities for quality contact by holding regularly scheduled office hours and appointments; and
  • Are courteous to and supportive of each other.

A positive educational environment is created when students:

  • Prepare for and participate fully in every class and structured learning activity;
  • Invest the time and effort demanded by course requirements;
  • Complete assignments in a timely fashion;
  • Initiate contacts with faculty and staff;
  • Strive to apply what they learn in class to their lives outside the classroom and to apply their life experience to their studies; and
  • Are courteous to and supportive of each other.

A supportive advising relationship between a student and a faculty/staff member for assistance with on-going educational planning, appraisal of academic progress, and the pursuit of educational and personal goals. Students are expected to learn the requirements for their degrees, seek advice from faculty and staff, and accept responsibility for their decisions. Advisors should be accessible, knowledgeable about academic requirements and campus resources, and willing to help students solve problems.

Constructive feedback offered through clear, timely, non-capricious evaluation of students' ability to meet course expectations and faculty/staff members' effectiveness in the classroom. Results of evaluation processes should be available within reasonable protections of privacy.


Members of the 足彩平台 community have a shared responsibility to sustain and develop an environment that nurtures learning and teaching. Learning is not confined to the classroom, laboratory, and library. It occurs in many contexts, including residence halls, student organizations, service learning experiences, and staff development. In this community, we learn from a variety of people -- faculty, professional staff, and students.

Members of 足彩平台 community have a responsibility to promote and a right to expect:

  • An organized community where individuals accept their obligations to the group and where well-defined policies and procedures guide behavior for the common good;
  • Support for involvement with campus activities and organizations and the appreciation of these experiences as an integral component of an enriched educational environment;
  • Support for individuals' physical and mental well-being, academic achievement, personal growth, and career development;
  • Opportunities for involvement in planning and assessing the success of efforts to create a positive learning environment.

We acknowledge that we are all here by choice, and as part of that choice we agree to commit ourselves to the principles that are an integral part of the goals and mission of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

This document expresses a philosophy which supports the policies and processes of the University. The following resources state specific policies of the university:

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins
  • Semester Timetables
  • The Student Handbook
  • Faculty and Staff Handbook
  • University Calendar
  • Wisconsin Administrative Code

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is committed to equal opportunity in its educational programs, activities and employment policies for all persons regardless of race, color, gender, creed, religion, age, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, Vietnam-era veteran status, parental status, and pregnancy.


Student Affairs
Hyer Hall 200
800 West Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190

Contact Us

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM
Phone: (262) 472-1051